Software Engineering in 3 full stacks!

  • Java and SpringBoot framework!
  • MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS with Mongoose ODM!
  • Python and Django framework using SQL!
  • Read below for more information on skills!

    Check out my projects on Github!

    See my projects!

    Software Web Stacks

    Python and Django

    Best web development, modeled to your company needs, with Login and Reg and full database support for ecommerce! Django admin included for easy addition and modification of products, customers, and manipulation of database data.

    MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and NodeJS with Mongoose ODM

    Beautiful creation of extemely fast websites, with component routing, nested components, AJAX, and partial refresh, web apps with full CRUD implementation with MongoDB and mongoose ODM! Extremely nice UX!

    Java With SpringBoot

    Extremely fast, object oriented based website and backend, great for expanding! Best for adding features and changing projets. Full login, reg avaliable with Bcrypt or Spring boot security and database integration! Formally Educated in Java as well as intensively trained through a bootcamp and self-progressed due to passion and dedication.

    Not enough skills?

    Game Developement with C# and Unity Engine

    Experienced with Unity and C# in the game development environment, as well as working with a team for game development as the head coder, deligating roles, and ensuring project success.

    Game Development with C++ and Unreal Engine

    Experienced in C++ developement, and Unreal engine for both PC and VR with the HTC Vive. Formally educated in C++ as well as self taught to further education into game developement.

    MDB Magazine Template displayed on iPhone
    Deployment on AWS platform

    Ability to deploy full web applications on the fast the reliable Amazon Web Services platform and route to any domain!

    Android Development

    Android development for Enterprise, Game Development, E-Commerce and VR development! Experience with APIs, Web-Crawling, and Game Development both in native Java and with Unity engine for VR or physics demanding games!

    ...and even more

    Drone Building!

    From parts and planning all the way until you're in the air! Professional, durable buildings with borderline OCD wiring and soldering! Always here to support you and advise you! The best contact for any and all repairs!

    Drone Software Programming

    Drone flight tuned professionally. Performance tuning of an aircraft using PID loop, interface with gyros and input CLI commands to ensure your aircraft is flying to the highest potential and responding to your input perfectly.

    Custom Desktop PC Building!

    Full custom parts list, using the best parts on the market! Will not cheap out on any parts! Highest quality harddrives, most dependable and reliable power supplies. Custom engineered for any budget and needs!

    Company Owner Of

    My personal company specializing in custom performance desktop for gaming and development as well as high performance racing drones!